
The Eye of the Cyclops from Forge of Ice

Created by Alex Bates

The Eye of the Cyclops is a system agnostic RPG sourcebook for tabletop games, and these miniatures are for use with it - as well as an assortment of other figures from the game setting, a Lost World called Azor.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A small surprise addition!
about 6 years ago – Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 07:49:10 PM

In the last update, I mentioned that, despite the recent delay, some progress had happened over the last few months.

One of those bits of progress comes from a friend of mine.  Craig Martelle is an International best-selling author, primarily known for his military sci-fi novels, and he just so happens to live in my hometown - Fairbanks, Alaska.

Craig has written a short piece of fiction for the book - this is a rare and lively foray into Sword & Sorcery-style fantasy writing from him.

It's a very short piece, but I think it's pretty cool, and it will slightly extend the page count of the booklet at no additional cost to Kickstarter backers. 

I'll post more updates as things continue to move forward.


-Alex in Alaska

I'm still alive!
about 6 years ago – Thu, Dec 06, 2018 at 10:58:18 PM

Hello everyone.

I apologize for the long silence.

I've backed over 50 Kickstarters myself, and I know from personal experience just how frustrating long silences can be from creators, especially when a creator goes from being in regular communication to nothing but crickets and tumbleweeds.  I'm very sorry about that, I let this silence go on for too long.

Some sudden and unexpected health issues popped up that completely derailed me.

I am recovering now, things are getting better, but obviously the KS has been delayed.

This is not to say that no progress has been made during the silence - Jesse Switters has finished up some more illustrations for the book, and a few other things have been sorted out.

At this point I still have some writing & editing left to do, then to finish the layout of the book, then casing, printing, and shipping.

I'm not going to give a specific estimated completion date at this point, as I don't think I can give an accurate answer at the moment, but progress is happening.

The next thing I need to do is get the Backer Kit page sorted out, then get it up and running so I can get the exact numbers of everything off to the caster

I don't have much else to say at the moment, but this campaign is LONG overdue for an update, so I thought that logging in and saying something was better than continued silence.

I'm back - I don't expect to go silent again, and if anything happens again I'll be sure to at least log in to post about it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,

-Alex in Alaska

Draft text of the sewer encounters!
about 6 years ago – Fri, Oct 05, 2018 at 10:25:05 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Get ready for several updates over the next few days!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 10:35:30 PM


You may have noticed that I did not launch the Backer Kit page last week as expected, but it looks like we're finally almost there!

David Soderquist finished sculpting the spearmen and archers - I just got the package with the sculptures in it yesterday, I need to take some quality photos of them, but they're here and they look great!  I'll post pics as soon as I've got them.

Meanwhile, Dave Cauley is about 90% finished with the treasure pile - I've got some pictures of that work-in-progress that I can show you:

Very nearly finished here except for some detailing on the urn and cleanup on the base.
Very nearly finished here except for some detailing on the urn and cleanup on the base.

For casting purposes, the urn is removable - so, beneath the urn, Dave sculpted a disk ingot with a Minoan Spiral on it, just to make the base look a little more interesting should you (or your players!) decide to remove the urn.

Also, note the runes carved on the sacrificial skull.
Also, note the runes carved on the sacrificial skull.

He's currently working on the final details, I should have pictures that I can use in the Backer Kit page shortly.

A couple of other bits and bobs showed up - a clawed stone anvil terrain piece (totally unnecessary, but cool-looking as decor or an objective marker), complete with a stone hammer.

Anvil next to one of the Cult Guards for scale reference.
Anvil next to one of the Cult Guards for scale reference.

Also, I had Dave Cauley sculpt a little pile of the Cult's equipment kit - a cyclopean eye helm, their sword and armor.  Like the anvil, this isn't necessary for gaming, but I think it's a fun addition to the set, and possibly useful as a treasure marker, dungeon decor, objective counter, or terrain item.

 I took a little video of these pieces, you can check it out here:

That's it for now - over the next couple of days I'll be taking and posting the final pictures of the cult guards, the spearmen in particular, uploading them to Backer Kit, and launching the page to the public.  I've also got some nearly-complete drafts of sections of the booklet that I can post, if people are interested in seeing sample text.

As always, I'm happy to respond to any questions or comments.


-Alex in Alaska

Archers! And updated timeline info!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 05:45:19 PM

Hello everybody!

Sorry for the long quiet time - I've been wiped out since getting back from the Rose City Comic Con in Portland.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by my booth to check out the miniatures (and the comic book!).

First up:

David Soderquist of Bronze Age Miniatures is very nearly finished with the cult guard reinforcements!

The archers are about 98% finished here - they need to be based, and maybe have a bit of cleanup done here and there.

The two spearmen are also very nearly finished - I'll have pictures of them to share within the next few days, I think.

This brings me on to the next item - one I've been asked about several times.



Assuming that all goes according to plan, I should be able to launch Backer Kit by next weekend - one week from today (September 28th).  I plan to keep it open for two weeks, hopefully giving everyone plenty of time to fill out their pledges and add or adjust any add-on purchases before I close it.

That gets us to the middle of October.  My caster should be able to get started casting immediately upon getting the numbers from me (from Backer Kit), and I should have the castings in hand a week or ten days after that. 

That means that I will possibly have the first pledges shipped out by the end of October, but I think it's unlikely that I'll have them all shipped by the end of the month.  And, of course, any unexpected delays, even if they're just a few days, will push things to November.

So, as things stand at the moment, it looks like November is probably a more realistic delivery target than the end of October.

I'm sorry about that - I had really thought I could get this whole thing wrapped up by the end of October, but, it looks like I was overly optimistic again.  For my next Kickstarter, I'm going to just tack six months on to whatever date that I *think* I can get it done by and hopefully deliver the whole thing early!

Thanks for reading, and, as always, if you have any questions or comments, ask and I shall endeavor to answer!

-Alex in Alaska